Information Governance

Privacy | Confidentiality | Data Use | Data Protection

During the course of your treatment, and for seven years after, Widdershins Health/Emma Campbell necessarily needs to retain all of your personal information that has been obtained and created during your treatment. This means that your contact details, health questionnaire, consent form, and clinical notes will be used for and kept strictly for: appointment, treatment, safety and professional regulatory (Nursing and Midwifery Council) purposes only.

Widdershins Health/Emma Campbell will: 

  • never pass any of your contact details to a third party.

  • never share any of your clinical information unless you have given your expressed written consent, or unless there is a recognised legal/regulatory requirement to do so.

You have the right to see any records pertaining to your treatment if you officially request to do so in writing. Emma Campbell will always be happy to assist you in any request in this regard, with no detriment to your ongoing treatment at Widdershins Health. She can be contacted at

You have the right to have your personal data deleted on request. However, we are required to retain notes pertaining to treatment episodes. Clinical notes no longer in use are securely archived on-line and deleted from our secure drive seven years after the date of your last treatment.

We are however required to retain records for a longer period when the patient is a child.

All paper forms and acupuncture site selection forms are scanned onto your electronic notes upon completion of your episode of care. The original documents are then shredded.

During your episode of care, all paper forms and acupuncture site selection forms are stored securely on the premises and are unavailable to anyone except the authorised clinician – Emma Campbell.

Your personal contact details are used only for appointment purposes, and to inform you of any updates/special offers at Widdershins Health. You are most welcome to opt out of receiving updates/special offers at any time.

Contact details are stored securely on a cloud-based computerised diary system.

This diary system also incorporates secure credit/debit card processing.

If you have any queries regarding how we store your data, or any other issues regarding data protection at Widdershins Health, please contact the business owner at

If you have any concerns about how Widdershins Health/Emma Campbell handles your data, you are entitled to complain directly to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).